Thursday, May 10, 2012

11 months

Grace turned 11 months old on April 29th! Seriously how? I know I say this every month but seriously time is going by way to fast for my liking. She will be 12 months in 19 days! Wow!!! We will be having a party for her the first weekend of June. Our theme is April showers bring May flowers. I found everything in the $1 bins at Target! Love those things! I haven't gotten around to taking her 11 month onesie pics yet. This house has been dealing with a very nasty cold that is going around.

Grace is getting so good at walking. Shes still clumsy but walks more than she crawls now! She loves climbing things. She trys to climb the baby gate all of the time. She is getting her molars I'm pretty sure. I felt some big bumps in her gums and with the way she drools I wouldn't be surprised.

She babbles more than ever as of recent! She says mama baba, Gunner, Dada, Ugh OHHH, Buhbye and lots of things that I don't understand. I love hearing her little voice. Her Ugh ohh kills me. She makes the perfect O face while saying it! She also waves when saying Buhbye.

Eating has been a challenge the last few weeks along with sleeping! She only eats a few bites and then is done. And she is completely over any purees. I would say her favorite thing to eat is definitely black beans. I switcher her over to toddler formula so hopefully that way she will get the calories she needs. I'm trying to give her a sippy cup all day long to have and then just 3 bottles through out the day. This has been a challenge when she wont eat. I really would like her to get down to just one bottle at night when she turns 12 months. Sleeping has also been a big challenge lately. I don't know what is going on. She was sleeping great and then all of a sudden she has been getting up multiple times a night. Trying to get her to go to sleep has been a nightmare! Lots of car ride has been the only trick :(

The next moth or so is going to be super busy for us but I'm excited to actually have fun things to do. Next weekend we have a wedding! My mom is coming from Florida on June 14th. I am beyond excited to see her and I know she cant wait to see Grace. My cousin gets married on the 16th and that should be a lot of fun. Its finally starting to warm up again around here so things are looking up!

 Gigi and I hanging out
 Sleepy bunny
 Playing in the back yard
 Backwards in her walker!
What things looked like a year ago! OMG

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